PS3 + 22 games in HILLSBOROUGH, New South Wales for sale
PS3 in good condition + 2 controllers, cables including HDMI, 22 games
Call of duty advance warfare, call of duty black ops 2, call of duty black ops, call of duty mw3, skyrim, skate 3, walking dead survival instinct, NBA2K13, NBA2K14, Fifa 13, Fifa 15, gran turismo 5, gran turismo 6, grand theft auto IV, grand theft auto V, aliens colonial marines, sniper ghost warrior, cricket 2010, fear, need for speed the run, dues ex, battlefield 3
$ 18
Selling 8 playstation games for $18 each. Excellent condition. Used only a couple of times.
Games include:
$ 25
ps3 games collection
the games are in great condition the first lot are all 25 dollars they r silent hill downpour,syndicate,mw3,dragonage...
$ 290
Ps3 + games !!URGENT!!
Playstation 3
All cords
1 controller
Grand theft auto V (five)
Call of duty black ops
Skyrim the elder scrolls...

$ 15
14 awesome PS3 games
Am selling my collection of PS3 games - these have given me hours of fun but sadly now comes the time for me to part...